16 Essential Affiliate Marketing Insights for 2024

16 Essential Affiliate Marketing Insights for 2024

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, understanding the latest affiliate marketing statistics is crucial for every marketer. Here’s a comprehensive overview of key data shaping the affiliate marketing industry in 2024, revealing the significant growth and impact of this marketing channel.

Global Spending: According to eMarketer, worldwide annual spending on affiliate marketing is projected to soar to $14 billion, indicating the substantial investment businesses are making in this area.

US Market: Statista reports that annual affiliate marketing spending in the US alone has surged to $8.2 billion, demonstrating a noteworthy 10.8% year-over-year increase.

Budget Expansion: Gen3 Marketing reveals that around one third (33%) of marketing professionals are planning significant increases in their affiliate marketing budget over the next 12 months, with an overall 62% planning to boost their spending in this area.

Brand Investments: Martech Record highlights that 6-in-10 brands are increasing their spending on affiliate commissions, reflecting the growing recognition of affiliate marketing’s effectiveness.

Affiliate Marketing Usage and Performance

Affiliate marketing has become a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies, offering proven effectiveness and widespread adoption. Here are key insights into its usage and performance:

Adoption Rates: Rakuten survey data indicates that 81% of advertisers and 84% of publishers utilize affiliate marketing, underscoring its pervasive presence in the digital landscape.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Rakuten data also reveals that, on average, affiliate marketing delivers an impressive 12:1 return on ad spend, making it a highly lucrative investment for businesses.

Effectiveness: Gen3 Marketing’s survey of marketers found that 50% consider the affiliate marketing channel “very effective” in achieving business goals, positioning it favorably compared to other marketing avenues.

Funnel Utilization: eMarketer reports that over half of US and Canada marketers leverage affiliate marketing for mid-funnel (consideration stage, 58%) and upper-funnel awareness (56%), highlighting its role across various stages of the customer journey.

Content Creator Income: eMarketer reveals that 58% of US content creators derive income from affiliate commissions, making it the second most popular income type after sponsored content.

Influencer Impact: In the first half of 2023, influencers accounted for 58% of newly added publishers to the Awin network, indicating their significant role in driving affiliate marketing growth.

Affiliate Networks Insights

Affiliate networks play a critical role in the affiliate marketing ecosystem. Here are key insights into the landscape of affiliate networks:

Market Share: Datanyze reports that Amazon Associates dominates the affiliate network landscape with a 48.23% market share, followed by Rakuten Affiliate Network and CJ Affiliate.

Affiliate Numbers: Statista reveals that Amazon Associates leads in terms of the number of affiliates, boasting 900,000 affiliates, followed by ShareASale, Awin, Rakuten, and ClickBank.

User Base: The top five largest affiliate networks combined have a user base of nearly 2.1 million connected affiliates, indicating the extensive reach of these platforms.

TikTok’s Emergence: Modern Retail highlights that TikTok Shop, launched officially in September 2023, already has 100,000 creators in its affiliate program, signaling its rapid growth and potential in the affiliate marketing space.


These affiliate marketing statistics underscore the significant growth, adoption, and effectiveness of affiliate marketing in 2024. As businesses navigate this dynamic landscape, understanding these insights is essential for maximizing the potential of affiliate marketing strategies and driving success in the digital era.